We are so excited to announce that we have added a new project at the start of the FARRAGOZ Patina PROJECTS Course called the Colour Wheel.
In 1672 Isaac Newton became the first person to scientifically break down colour and the colour wheel was born.
This led to a multitude of theories about colour especially the one often attributed to Claude Boutet in the 1708 edition of “Traité de la peinture en mignature”, an artist’s manual.
It is the colour wheel in this 300-year-old book, of which the colours have degraded over time, that we chose to use as our source. For this project, we decided to reproduce the old colours as they appear in the book.

With the addition of the Colour Wheel project, we hope to help students develop the ability to assess colours and understand how they work when mixed together. The skill to mix your own colours is invaluable for making your own paint, giving you the confidence to mix pigments from any source and create colours as they were created hundreds of years ago.
There are now 7 projects that students can make. Each project is presented in a Module, consisting of various units that are in turn broken up into small bite-size step-by-step instructions and video clips, making it very simple to follow and recreate what you see.
Module Colour Wheel is a watercolour on board copy of a 300-year-old colour wheel, with colours faded by time.
Module Icon is an oil on board icon of Archangel Michael in the Byzantine style.
Here are a few of the beautiful icons created by students.
Module Clock Face is a large casein on board clock face with gold details.
Module Plaque is a wooden wall plaque depicting two angels, painted with tempera, using the Grisaille Method.
Module Display Case is a small display or specimen case which is painted to obtain a tarnished metal look.
Module Italian Style Frame is a mirror frame with decoration on wood done in a low relief and finished in gold. The modern mirror glass is tarnished to look like antique foxed glass.
Module Trumeau Mirror is a Trumeau style over-mantle mirror with handmade decorative ornaments reproduced in handmade moulds.
Throughout the course, students learn to make their own stains, paint, sealer and primer using mostly everyday products and old recipes that artisans used for hundreds of years. Used in the correct combinations and with the techniques we teach, students apply and distress these to acquire different finishes.
The course will still be offered at the original price.
To enrol for this online course or to watch our short video, click HERE.
If you are already signed up for the FARRAGOZ Patina PROJECTS Course, you will automatically have access to the coursework for this newly added project at no extra cost!
Now, rush over to COURSES.FARRAGOZ.COM, log in with your student details to find it in the Coursework and enjoy!
Happy Painting!
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